Amore Wins Democratic Nomination for Rhode Island Secretary of State

 Amore Wins Democratic Nomination for Rhode Island Secretary of State
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East Providence, RI – State Representative Gregg Amore (Democrat – District 65, East Providence) won the Democratic Primary for Secretary of State with 64% of the vote. This number is expected to shift slightly as more ballots will be counted.


“I am truly humbled and honored to have been chosen as the Democratic nominee for Secretary of State and thank everyone who voted in the primary regardless of who they cast their ballot for. My passion for and experience in civic engagement and government, my heartfelt belief in public service, instilled in me by my parents, and a deep reverence for the protection of the most fundamental right in our democracy – the right to vote – is what inspired me to run for this office,” said Gregg Amore.


“I believe my background and life experiences have uniquely prepared me for this job, at a time when voting rights across the country have come under attack. As a US History and American Government and Civics teacher, I understand the importance of ensuring an open, accessible, safe and secure electoral process – and as your Secretary of State, this will be my top priority. I will also heavily promote civic education for educators and the general public, so everyone can truly understand how state government works. I will fight to keep our government open, and ensure government officials and lobbyists are transparent, honest, and accountable. And I will ensure a smooth process for those with a vision and a dream to start and maintain a business in Rhode Island. I plan to use this office to make life better for all Rhode Islanders.”


Amore continued, “As we head to the November election let’s remember that our elections are under attack in this country from those who would deny the results if they didn’t like them. Secretaries of State are the first line of defense to protecting our most sacred right – the right to vote. This job requires a steady hand and the ability to set party politics aside and withstand partisan pressure. It requires the ability to communicate clearly with the public on how our elections are conducted and certified.”


Amore concluded, “I believe that in my years in the classroom, as a community volunteer, as an administrator, and in my time in the General Assembly, I have proven myself similarly to be a steady hand – a thoughtful and measured voice, a clear communicator, and a duty-bound public servant – and that’s why I’m running to be your next Secretary of State.”

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