Aurea Ensemble Presents its Annual Holiday Concert—A Magical Amalgamation of Music and Words

Dylan Thomas’
A Child’s Christmas in Wales
Annual Holiday Concert—A Magical Amalgamation of Music and Words
What happens when artists meet at the margins of their disciplines and push the boundaries back and forth? What happens is Aurea, a performance ensemble engaged in a joyous pursuit to investigate and invigorate the harmony of music and the spoken word.
Providence, RI (November 28, 2022)—Aurea Ensemble presents its annual holiday concert, A Child’s Christmas in Wales on Sunday, December 11, 3pm at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 50 Orchard Ave, in Providence. This heartwarming performance ushers in the season with Aurea’s unparalleled elixir of music and words, weaving together the Dylan Thomas classic story with musical interludes of festive chamber music and traditional English carols. In addition to the Dylan Thomas story, the program includes poetry of Tennyson, Dickinson and Kooser, with chamber music of Britten, Handel and Clarke with traditional English carols. This concert is for all ages, an uplifting event for children and adults alike.
Aurea is delighted to welcome back acclaimed actors/spoken word Malcolm & Elizabeth Ingram, whose appeared with Aurea in 2021. The husband-and-wife team have performed in theater, television and film, both nationally and internationally. The program will also feature Chris Turner, harmonica virtuoso, who will share his unique improvisations of classic carols.
Consuelo Sherba, artistic director of Aurea Ensemble said, “We are thrilled to welcome Elizabeth and Malcolm back to Providence for our annual holiday concert.” She added, “Their vast experience brings such authenticity to this production, with stage credits that include the BBC, London’s West End, the Royal Court and National Theatres, and in the United States, Shakespeare and Company, Lenox, MA, numerous regional theaters and even Comedy Central. Audiences can get ready for a holiday trip to another place and time!”
For more than 18-years, Aurea Ensemble’s programs have attracted a loyal following, largely through word-of-mouth. The audience engages in the ensemble’s joyous pursuit to investigate and invigorate the harmony of music and the spoken word. This amalgam creates concerts that become worlds unto themselves, each event a respite from the distractions and chaos in everyday life.
Aurea is committed to arts access for all and is, therefore, offering a “pay what you can” option for all our programs, from now, forward. Suggested Standard Adult Admission: $30; Students and children: Free. To purchase tickets, go to: Aurea Ensemble’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales (Eventbrite).