Cano Statement on Indictment of Former President Trump

Pawtucket, RI. – State Senator Sandra Cano, candidate for Congressional District One, released the following statement in reaction to the indictment of former President Donald J. Trump:
“This evening, the nation has received confirmation that former President Donald J. Trump has been indicted on seven federal counts, including willful retention of national defense secrets in violation of the Espionage Act, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and making false statements.
“This is both a heavy moment and a hopeful one for America. Faced for the first time ever with a former American president indicted on seven federal counts, including violation of the Espionage Act, this moment proves the perseverance of our institutions.
“American democracy has been through a long period of darkness – with hyperpolarization, hateful bigotry, and vitriolic grandstanding characterizing much of the last eight years more than ever before. I hope that this evening’s indictments herald a turning point for our nation: a new dawn for human decency in our politics, where those who commit brazen crimes and flaunt their perceived impunity are decisively brought to justice.
“This moment also calls upon us to reflect on the country we want to build going forward. The American people deserve a government that puts honor, integrity, and the interests of working families before all else. I am committed to helping usher in a new generation of leaders who return to a more compassionate and thoughtful approach to politics and governing in Washington. It is my hope that the indictments released this evening can reignite the promise of a better tomorrow.”