City of Pawtucket Winter Weather Advisory

ATTENTION ALL RESIDENTS: The parking ban has been lifted as of 1:00 PM this afternoon. It is imperative that you remove your vehicles from any city parking lots without any delay in order to avoid the risk of them being towed. Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to navigate through this inclement weather! |
Sidewalk snow removal required: According to city ordinance, the owner, occupant or other responsible person shall have snow and ice removed from a sidewalk intended for pedestrians not later than the first 12 hours of daylight after the end of a snowstorm. Violations are subject to fines beginning at $25 for a first offense. Additionally, residents are asked to clear snow from fire hydrants in their vicinity. Visit for more information. For storm-related issues, e-mail or call 401-728-0500, ext. 302. Thank you for your cooperation. |