City of Providence Hosts Open House for Comprehensive Plan Update

Learn how to get involved in the engagement process for the Comprehensive Plan Update
PROVIDENCE, RI – The City will be hosting a Providence Comprehensive Plan Open House on Thursday, June 22 at 6:00PM at the Providence Career and Technical Academy. This is the first of several community engagement opportunities that are part of the Comprehensive Plan update process, launched by Mayor Smiley earlier this month.
At the open house, community members can learn more about the Comprehensive Plan, the update process, and provide input on key topics being addressed in the new plan. Providence City staff members will have informative topic-based stations set up and provide opportunities for individual participation. Interpretation and food will be available.
The Providence Comprehensive Plan update happens once every decade. The plan is a framework document that guides the long-term planning, policy, land use, and zoning codes for the city. The goals and strategies developed in this plan will inform how Providence will address issues such as housing, transportation and economic development and will lay the groundwork for what our city will look like in the years ahead.
Residents are encouraged to visit where more community engagement opportunities will be announced and where digital participation opportunities will be available.