For the seventh year, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island earns 4.5 out of 5 rating on commercial plans from the National Committee for Quality Assurance

Rating places BCBSRI in the top 6 percent nationally of the 330 PPO plans rated
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (September 16, 2021) – The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has awarded Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) product lines a 4.5 rating, recognizing BCBSRI’s commitment to service and clinical quality.
This places BCBSRI in the top 6 percent of the 330 PPO plans rated. Only 20 PPO plans in the country received a score of 4.5 or above. The rating of BCBSRI PPO products is part of the Private Health Insurance Plan Ratings for 2021.
“We are honored to receive this rating, which speaks to our ongoing efforts to make high-quality, affordable healthcare available to our members and to our vision to passionately lead a state of health and well-being across Rhode Island,” said Matt Collins, M.D., MBA, BCBSRI executive vice president and chief medical officer. “The 4.5 rating is also a testament to our ongoing collaboration with the provider community and how that approach can result in a better member experience. It also reaffirms our commitment to ensuring Rhode Islanders have access to the right care, at the right time and in the right place.”
NCQA accredits and certifies a wide range of healthcare organizations and manages the evolution of HEDIS® (Health Care Effectiveness Data and Information Set), the performance measurement tool used by more than 90 percent of the nation’s health plans.
HEDIS is designed to ensure that purchasers and consumers have the information they need to reliably compare healthcare quality. BCBSRI’s rating signals that the service and clinical quality of BCBSRI’s commercial PPO has met NCQA’s highest standards for consumer protection and quality improvement.