Governor McKee Announces 400,000 Additional Rapid Tests Received by Rhode Island

Total tests announced this week rises to 500,000
PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee today announced that Rhode Island has received an additional 400,000 COVID-19 at-home rapid tests, bringing the total to 500,000 for this week.
“Our team is pursuing every possible avenue to secure more at-home rapid tests for Rhode Islanders,” said Governor McKee. “I have personally made calls to the management team of several vendors in the industry and our whole of government team is following up on pending orders every day. We are fully committed to ensuring that Rhode Island continues to test more per capita than any other state in the nation. We thank our municipal leaders and community partners for stepping up to get these tests into the hands of Rhode Islanders.”
The State will be making approximately 500,000 self-tests available to cities and towns and community organizations throughout Rhode Island over the next week. Seventy percent of these tests will be distributed to cities and towns. All cities and towns will receive tests to redistribute. Thirty percent of the 500,000 tests will be redistributed through community-based organizations.
- City and town distribution – A total of 350,000 at-home tests will be distributed by cities and towns. These 350,000 tests are being divided among cities and towns based on each community’s population size. Cities and towns will start having these tests on hand by mid-week next week. Municipal leadership will be communicating about where and when tests will be distributed in their communities.
- Community-based organization distribution – A total of 150,000 tests will be distributed by roughly 30 community organizations in areas of Rhode Island where some people may otherwise not have the means to purchase tests. The organizations include faith-based organizations, cultural organizations, and housing authorities. To ensure that these tests are delivered to the people most in need of them, these organizations will be doing direct outreach to the people in their communities (unlike cities and towns, which will be communicating more broadly about pick-up opportunities). Community organizations will start to receive tests today, and will continue to receive them next week.
These 500,000 tests represent an initial installment of tests the State has ordered and will be redistributing. Hundreds of thousands of additional tests are expected. As those additional self-tests become available, the State will make further announcements about distribution plans.
Someone may consider using a self-test:
- Before gathering indoors with others, especially with anyone who is unvaccinated, immunocompromised, or at risk of severe illness.
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and can’t get to a test site. Stay home and away from others if you’re sick.
- If you may have been exposed to COVID-19 and can’t get to a testing site.
- Before and after domestic travel.
- Self-tests are an option if you plan to travel within the United States or U.S. territories and are not required to provide documentation of a negative test result.
- If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel, you should test yourself 1-3 days before your trip and 3-5 days after your trip. For more information, visit