Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful – Community Input Needed!

Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful (KBVB) is starting a walking group to walk and clean up our environment! The Pawtucket-wide walk will be Thursday, March 23rd at 1 PM.
Walks will last approximately an hour. Each route will be around 2 miles to get a little exercise as you carry grabbers and pick up any litter.
The schedule listing the community for the week, the route, and a signup link are available at, and at KBVB’s website and Facebook pages. Weather delays will push the walk to Friday of the same week.
Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful will bring all the supplies needed, so you just need to come. These walks are on traveled roads and are geared mostly toward adults, but children are welcome with supervision.
Donna Kaehler of KBVB is seeking input from Pawtucket residents as to what other neighborhoods/ areas to clean up next! Contact Donna Kaehler at 401-724-2200 x 209.