Kids, Cops & Classrooms Launches 2022 School Supply Drive

Rhode Island state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies are working together to collect donations of new backpacks and school supplies for Rhode Island school children through the Kids, Cops and Classrooms program.
The Rhode Island State Police, the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association, the Rhode Island Department of Attorney General and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Rhode Island will accept donations at State Police barracks, local police departments, Cardi’s Furniture & Mattresses locations, and other offices across the state. Donations will be distributed to local agencies that work with disadvantaged families throughout the state.
“At back-to-school time families are asked to provide school supplies for their children and their classrooms, creating a tremendous financial burden on families struggling just to make ends meet,” said Rhode Island State Police Captain Kenneth Jones, who is leading this year’s Kids, Cops and Classrooms campaign. “We hope the backpacks and supplies we collect through this program will help ease some of this burden.”
“Kids, Cops and Classrooms is another example of the ways that law enforcement is in our communities every day working to build relationships and partnerships for the betterment of all,” said United States Attorney Zachary A. Cunha. “This year, my Office is proud and honored to once again join in the effort to get kids the supplies they need to succeed in school.”
“Backpacks and school supplies are critical to students’ success in schools, and the costs of these items can be a burden on families throughout the state,” said Rhode Island Attorney General Peter F. Neronha. “My Office is excited to again participate in ‘Kids, Cops and Classrooms’ which will support families across Rhode Island and help ensure that our students are better prepared and in position to excel in the classroom. The Rhode Island State Police do a tremendous job in organizing this event every year and we are proud to stand with them and our partners in law enforcement once again.”
“The Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association is proud to partner with the Rhode Island State Police for the Kids, Cops and Classrooms campaign to help families that are struggling during these difficult financial times,” said Chief Sean Corrigan of the Narragansett Police Department. “We hope our partnership will help ensure that every child in Rhode Island starts the school year with the basic supplies they need to succeed.”
These are some of the supplies being sought through the Kids, Cops, and Classrooms program:
- Backpacks – small, medium, and large
- #2 pencils
- Pens
- Pencil box
- Box of crayons
- Spiral notebooks
- 3-Ring binder (1, 1 ½, 2 inches)
- Subject dividers
- Book Covers
- Index cards
- Pencil sharpener
- Assignment book/weekly planner
- Ruler (marked in inches and centimeters)
- Protractor
- Compass
- Scientific calculator
- Calculator
- Dictionary (pocket size)
- Thesaurus (pocket size)
- Mini-stapler and staples
- USB Flash Drive
- Facial tissues
- Antibacterial hand sanitizer
- Box of colored pencils
- Box of washable markers
- Highlighters
- Watercolor paint set
- Pad of coloring paper
- Large pink erasers
- Glue sticks
- Bottle of glue (Elmer’s type)
- Safety scissors
- Two-pocket folders
- Composition book
- Wide-rule loose-leaf paper
- Graph paper
Donations can be brought to any State Police barracks, local police departments and any Cardi’s Furniture & Mattresses locations. They will be given to the following agencies for distribution to families: Crossroads Rhode Island; Family Service of Rhode Island; Wiggin Village; Children’s Friend; the Hispanic Ministerial Association of Rhode Island; Multi-Service Center for All; African Alliance; Mount Hope Neighborhood Association; Chad Brown Alumni Association; and the Center for Southeast Asians.