Local Communities and Tribes Celebrate Accomplishments and New $8.5 Million EPA Award for Water Quality Improvements in Rhode Island and Massachusetts

 Local Communities and Tribes Celebrate Accomplishments and New $8.5 Million EPA Award for Water Quality Improvements in Rhode Island and Massachusetts
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PROVIDENCE – On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Southeast New England Program Network (SNEP Network), EPA Region 1 staff, and the New England Environmental Finance Center will host a celebration event, “Better Together: Collaborative Action to Improve Water Quality and Build Resilience.” The event will feature a virtual welcome by U.S. Senator Jack Reed, a keynote address by EPA Region 1 Chief of Watershed & Nonpoint Source Management Section, MaryJo Feuerbach, and the Director of the New England Environmental Finance Center, Martha Sheils, to celebrate the accomplishments of communities and Tribes who participated in SNEP Network programming over the last five years, and to look forward to five more years working collaboratively to improve water quality. The celebration event will recognize community and Tribal accomplishments with awards and provide an opportunity to hear directly from recipients about their experiences.

SNEP Network celebrates five years of climate resilience and water quality improvement projects and announces a new $8.5M award from U.S. EPA to continue this work in RI and MA for five more years.

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