Local Girl Scouts to Represent the Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England Council at the Commission on the Status of Women in New York City in March 2024

Warwick, RI (February 28, 2024) —This March, four Girl Scouts from Southeastern New England will travel to the United Nations in New York City to participate as guest delegates at the 68th Commission on the Status on Women.
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. A functional commission of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), it was established by ECOSOC resolution 11(II) of 21 June 1946.
The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women. (Source: unwomen.org)
After a national application process, Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England was selected to bring four exceptional Girl Scouts who exhibit a close relation and understanding of CSW themes to the UN. After an open application process and round of interviews the following Girl Scouts were selected as delegates for GSSNE:
• Olivia D’Ambra, Providence, RI
• Lily James, Wrentham, MA
• Sonam Ngamdung, Middletown, RI
• Amelia Riveire, Tiverton, RI
This honor has not come without added responsibilities for these teens; Delegates have participated in bi-monthly educational sessions led by Global Girl Scouting. Group and individual discussions have commenced on this year’s theme of addressing poverty with a gender perspective. In many ways this has been like taking a collegiate course for these high schoolers, as preparatory reading is necessary outside of the sessions to gain knowledge of the themes.
The experience they will get in exchange for their hard work is of notable distinction. In March, GSSNE will accompany these inspiring young people as they participate in-person at the United Nations in New York City during CSW 68.
Olivia D’Ambra from Providence, RI is a high school senior. She is an aspiring astronaut, who loves learning about space and physics. She is also very involved in her school’s theater program. Her favorite part about CSW so far has been getting to speak with and learn from other young women who are passionate about human rights. Every meeting has been extremely rewarding and educational for her. Olivia is looking forward to getting to know everyone during the trip to New York.
Lily James from Wrentham, MA is a junior at King Philip High School, and has been a Girl Scout since the fourth grade when she moved to the area. She plays clarinet in the high school marching band and wind ensemble. She has always had a passion for global topics, history, and social studies both in school and out of it, and she’s very excited for the experiences CSW will bring.
Sonam Ngamdung from Middletown, RI is a Tibetan student at Middletown High School and the co-founder/President of Students for a Free Tibet MHS. She has a passion for human rights advocacy, particularly the rampant human rights abuse against Tibetans by the Chinese government. Sonam is a strong believer of intersectionality between gender and ethnic issues which pushed her to join the Girl Scouts CSW delegation. She hopes to use her unique perspective as a daughter of Tibetan immigrants to aid her role as a delegate. Her goal is to one day see a free Tibet.
Amelie Riveire from Tiverton, RI attends Moses Brown School. You can find her at school participating in the theatre program, Mock Trial, and Science Olympiad. She has been a Girl Scout since kindergarten and enjoys all the adventures with her troop and beyond including summer camp, trips to Belize and Florida, and time spent locally with her troop exploring, learning, and selling cookies. Amelia earned her Silver Award by building a Book Nook for the children at Boys Town in Portsmouth.
“GSSNE is thrilled to participate in this year’s Commission on the Status of Women. Our Girl Scouts are prepared to represent the voice of young people in dialogue with hundreds of delegates from around the world. As they focus on this year’s theme- gender parity and pay- I know our Girl Scouts will show courage, confidence, and character as they make the world a better place. It is this type of real-life learning and adventure that sets Girl Scouts apart,” said Dana Borrelli-Murray, Chief Executive Officer at GSSNE.
We Are Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world. Through programs across Southeastern New England, Girl Scouts of all backgrounds and abilities can be unapologetically themselves as they discover their strengths and rise to meet new challenges—whether they want to climb to the top of a tree or the top of their class, lace up their boots for a hike or advocate for climate justice, or make their first best friends. Backed by trusted adult volunteers, mentors, and millions of alums, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make changes that affect the issues most important to them. To join us, volunteer, reconnect, or donate, visit gssne.org, follow @gssne on Instagram, follow @GirlScoutsofSNE on Twitter, and like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GSSNE.