Magaziner Elevates Workers Voices and the Need to Guarantee Paid Time Off for All Americans

 Magaziner Elevates Workers Voices and the Need to Guarantee Paid Time Off for All Americans
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Rep. Magaziner’s Protected Time Off Act (PTO Act) ensures that all American workers can earn paid annual leave

PROVIDENCE,  RI —  U.S. Representative Seth Magaziner (RI-02) held a press conference on his bicameral bill, H.R. 7752: Protected Time Off (PTO) Act, to guarantee all workers have access to paid days off from work. He was joined by SEIU 1199 NE and working Rhode Islanders who shared the challenges and financial difficulties associated with working jobs that did not provide paid time off.


Nearly 27 million Americans – or over one in five workers in the private sector – do not have access to annual paid vacation leave. American workers deserve to have paid time off, whether it’s to spend time with their families, go to the doctor, run errands or just take a well-earned break.


“Americans who put in an honest day’s work deserve to take time off, and I’m proud to introduce the PTO Act to make this a reality for all,” said Rep. Seth Magaziner (RI-02). “This is a matter of fairness and respect in the workplace. No one works harder than American workers, and they have earned a break.”


“By ensuring that employees who work full-time can earn no less than two weeks of paid annual leave per year, this legislation will provide our members with the opportunity to rest and recharge. This paid time off is crucial not just for their health and well-being, but also for the quality of care they can provide to their patients. When caregivers are well-rested, they can deliver higher-quality, more compassionate care. We are deeply grateful to Congressman Magaziner for his commitment to this important cause and look forward to seeing this bill passed for the benefit of all our members,” said Alex Moore, Political Director, SEIU 1199NE


“I did not receive paid time off in my previous jobs, and as a mother of three daughters, that meant I was forced to make difficult choices between being there for my children during important moments in their life and making income to provide for my family,” said Nia, Operations and Success Manager at AA Thrifty Sign & Awning. “I couldn’t take time off to attend my middle daughter’s graduation, help my oldest daughter move into college, or cheer on my youngest at her softball games. No parent should have to miss important milestones because they don’t have PTO, and I thank Rep. Magaziner for introducing the PTO Act to guarantee paid time off for every worker.”

American workers are the reason why the United States has the world’s strongest economy, yet the U.S. is the only advanced economy that doesn’t guarantee any paid vacation for workers. By contrast, the European Union guarantees workers at least 20 paid vacation days per year, with some countries mandating as many as 25 or 30 annual days off. The distribution of paid annual leave also perpetuates existing societal inequalities. Workers of color and low wage workers are the least likely to be allowed paid time off.


Upon passage, the Protected Time Off (PTO) Act will ensure:

  • Employees who work full time will earn no less than two weeks of paid annual leave per year, to be used for any reason, at their standard rate of pay.
    • This leave will be guaranteed in addition to any paid sick leave or family and medical leave already guaranteed by law.
  • Employees are protected against discrimination for exercising their right to take annual paid time off.


Every American deserves dignity in their job and to be treated with respect. Paid annual leave for every worker is about basic fairness, and the PTO Act will move our country closer to that goal.


U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) has introduced companion legislation in the Senate.


This bicameral legislation is co-sponsored by 53 Members of Congress, including U.S. Senators Alex Padilla, Laphonza Butler, and Chris Murphy and U.S. Representatives Nikki Budzinski, Greg Casar, Jasmine Crockett, Alma Adams, Gabe Amo, Jamaal Bowman, Andre Carson, Danny Davis, Chris Deluzio, Veronica Escobar, Dwight Evans, Maxwell Frost, Robert Garcia, Sylvia Garcia, Jesus Chuy García, Dan Goldman, Jimmy Gomez, Al Green, Raúl Grijalva, Val Hoyle, Jared Huffman, Jonathan Jackson, Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khanna, Barbara Lee, Summer Lee, Ted Lieu, Stephen Lynch, James McGovern, Rob Menedez, Kevin Mullin, Jerrold Nadler, Joe Neguse, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Mark Pocan, Delia Ramirez, Andrea Salinas, Linda Sánchez, Jan Schakowsky, Adam Schiff, Melanie Stansbury, Dina Titus, Rashida Tlaib, Jill Tokuda, Paul Tonko, Lori Trahan, Bonnie Watson Coleman, and Nikema Williams.


The Protected Time Off Act is also endorsed nationally by the AFL-CIO, American Federation of Teachers (AFT), National Education Association (NEA), SEIU (Service Employees International Union), SMART (International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers), NAACP, UNITE HERE, Center for Law and Social Policy, Economic Opportunity Institute, Economic Policy Institute, Family Equality, Family Values @ Work, MomsRising, Mothering Justice, National Employment Law Project, National Partnership for Women and Families, National Women’s Law Center, Oxfam America, Paid Leave for All, UnidosUS, Women Employed, and ZERO TO THREE.


Additionally, in Rhode Island, the bill has received endorsements from the Women’s Policy Institute, Economic Progress Institute, SEIU 1199 NE, and UAW Region 9A.


The bill text can be found HERE.


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