Mayor Smiley to Induct Four Community Leaders into the City’s Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hall of Fame

Carina Monge, Sharon Conard-Wells, Travis Wiggins, and Deborah Wray to be Inducted in 20th Annual Hall of Fame
PROVIDENCE, RI – Tonight, Mayor Brett P. Smiley will join members of the Providence City Council, Providence Human Relations Commissioners, and community members to induct Carina Monge, Sharon Conard-Wells, Travis Wiggins, and Deborah Wray into the City’s Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hall of Fame. The 20th annual induction ceremony will be held at the City Council Chambers on Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 5:30 PM.
“I am excited to celebrate the incredible work of these four community leaders who showcase day after day their commitment to the values of justice, equality, and service of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” said Mayor Smiley. “I invite residents from across the city to join us tonight in commemorating the impactful work of Dr. King and honoring the inductees for all that they have done for our city.”
Inductees were nominated by members of the public and chosen by Mayor Smiley for their contributions to social justice, civil rights, and equality. The ceremony will also feature performances by The Exult Choir of Mixed Magic Theatre and a reading by former Trinity Repertory Resident Artist and current Director of Providence’s Arts, Culture, and Tourism Department, Joe Wilson Jr.
Carina Monge has spent 17 years in Providence Public Schools, beginning as a Career and Technical Coordinator at the high school level, where she worked to provide students hands-on learning experiences and college readiness programs in C.T.E. schools. Monge’s passion is to support underserved families and advocate for better health, social, and educational resources for all families in Providence. Born and raised in the Dominican Republic to parents of Lebanese descent, Monge is very active in the local Latino community, married, and has three children ages 22, 24, and 27.
Sharon Conard Wells worked as a computer systems analyst and served as Clerk to the R.I. Senate Corporations Committee before returning to her community organizing roots by becoming the Executive Director of the West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation (W.E.D.H.C.). She served in this position for twenty-nine years and became a known consensus builder and community resource. She is married to Roy Wells, mother to three, and grandmother to four.
Travis Wiggins was born and raised in Providence and currently lives in the city’s South Providence neighborhood. For the past 14 years, Wiggins has worked for Tides Family Services, an organization dedicated to preventing children from being placed in residential facilities or incarceration, and worked to reunify children with their parents. Wiggins visits the homes of families he is working with to follow up on the day’s events and help them meet their goals.
Deborah Wray has been an active member of the Providence community for over three decades as a respected advocate for fair and affordable housing, accessible public transportation, and safe neighborhoods. Wray served in different capacities for over 30 years for Direct Action for Rights and Equality (D.A.R.E.) and is a Hartford Park Tenant Association member. Currently, she serves as the Chairwoman of the Providence External Review (P.E.R.A. Board). Wray has an undeniable passion for social justice issues.