Online application now available for R.I. grant program

PROVIDENCE — The Rhode Island Division of Taxation announced today that the online application for a new grant program is now available via the following link:
The application, available in English and Spanish, is for a grant program announced by Governor Gina M. Raimondo on November 25 and is intended to aid businesses whose operations will be closed or severely limited for a two-week period, starting Monday, November 30, 2020, under the Governor’s Executive Order – RI on Pause.
The restrictions are part of the State’s renewed efforts to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as the number of cases has risen worldwide in recent weeks.
Using federal Coronavirus Relief Funds, the Governor authorized the payment of grants to these impacted businesses.
Under the program, the Rhode Island Department of Revenue’s Division of Taxation will issue grants to eligible businesses adversely impacted by the pandemic.
Each such grant will range from a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $50,000.
The relief program will be paid for through federal funds that have been made available to the states for pandemic relief.
In coordination with the Governor’s announcement, the Division of Taxation on November 25 launched a new webpage, including frequently asked questions, to explain how the program works and provide businesses and their advisors with helpful information regarding applying for the grants, including the program’s terms and conditions.
To access the online application, please visit the new program webpage link: