The City of Pawtucket announces the launch of the second annual contest and event Honoring Black History Month geared towards Pawtucket middle school aged students. The goal of the contest is for students to submit a piece of their work – art, poetry, a paper, presentation, or other artistic expression –on what they feel best represents Black History Month to them.
The topic could be on a person, event, place, or other topic that the student feels best embodies the message of Black History month or best represents honoring Black History Month.
“Last year’s winners did an amazing job with their artistic pieces,” said Mayor Donald R. Grebien. “I am excited that this year we will continue to get young members of our community involved through art or their own expression and highlight the importance of Black History Month. I want to thank all of the partners working to let students know of the opportunity and I am once again looking forward to seeing all of their great work.”
The competition will run from now until February 17th calling for students to email their piece or a picture or video of it to Community Liaison Kassandra Florez at for the chance to be selected to discuss their piece and why they feel it best represents Black History Month with Mayor Grebien on February 23rd via Zoom and to win a $50 gift card. The recorded event will be shared on the City’s website, Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The City encourages any student who is in middle school to participate and submit their piece by 11:59pm on February 17th to be entered. Those who have questions can email Three winners will be selected on February 21st and announced on the City of Pawtucket website and all city social media.