Pawtucket Promotes: Women in Business Forum

The City of Pawtucket is excited to announce the next event in the Pawtucket Promotes Series: Women in Business Forum 2023! The event will take place on Friday, March 31st from 9am – 11am at Atrium on Main (285 Main Street) in Downtown Pawtucket. Last year we held the first Women in Business Forum and thanks to the success of that event, we are making this an annual event during Women’s History Month each March! This year’s event will include a panel discussion and Q & A of women business owners operating in Pawtucket from a diverse set of job fields.
This event will include a complimentary breakfast and is once again being sponsored by our friends at Bank Newport. The attached flyer has more details on our event panelists. Please use the link below to register if you are interested. All are welcome at this event!