Pawtucket Upcoming Notices

As of January 6th, all City of Pawtucket employee email addresses have changed to a “.gov” format. Please update your records accordingly by changing the email address format from to before sending any emails to City of Pawtucket accounts.
Public meeting to discuss natural disasters and hazard mitigation techniques January 24th, 2024. 6-7 pm. Share your ideas for reducing risk to natural hazards and climate change. For meeting details, contact Camerin Bennett, Assistant Planning Director, at 401-728-0500 x441 or
The Pawtucket St. Patrick’s Parade is looking for participants (Pawtucket sports groups, local businesses, etc.) For anyone interested in marching, please reach out to through Facebook messenger @ Pawtucket St. Patrick’s Parade, or email us at
Parks and Recreation is searching for sponsors for the 2024 free performance series season. If you are interested or have additional questions, please feel free to contact John Blais at 728-0500 ext 257 or by email at .
Girl Scout Troop 921 will be selling cookies in the City Hall Lobby from 11 am – 3 pm on Thursday, February 22, 2024.