Reed Pays Tribute to the Life & Legacy of Former Majority Leader Harry Reid

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) paid tribute to the life and legacy of former Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-NV) who passed away after a four-year battle with pancreatic cancer.
“I am deeply saddened by the loss of my former colleague and friend, Harry Reid, who was a great champion for working families everywhere.
“The distinguished senator from Searchlight, Nevada was a brilliant legislator and a powerful voice for those without power. As a young man, he was a boxer, who went on to become a Capitol Police officer to help pay for law school. When the people of Nevada elected him to the U.S. Senate, he kept his commitment to be their tireless advocate and fierce protector.
“Harry spoke softly, but acted with purpose. He was equal parts caring, compassionate, competitive, and tenacious. He worked his tail off to help the little guy, the working family. He didn’t win political battles by yelling the loudest or having the slickest soundbites, but was a master tactician who led by example. His steady, persistent, unselfish leadership will continue to guide us and his example will continue to sustain us.
“Our hearts are with Landra and the Reid family and we share their grief for the loss of a truly great person.”