Reed Statement on Arraignment of Donald Trump

PROVIDENCE, RI – Today, after Donald Trump surrendered to authorities in New York, appeared in state court for his arraignment on criminal charges, and was released, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) issued the following statement:
“Based on the merits, including sworn testimony from witnesses, a New York grand jury determined the evidence against Donald Trump warranted a criminal indictment. Now that the indictment has been unsealed and Trump has been arraigned, a criminal case may proceed.
“The former President will have his day in court. He will be judged fairly and impartially, just like any other criminal defendant. The burden of proof is squarely on the prosecution. Facts and evidence will determine the outcome.
“After quickly reviewing the indictment and the statement of facts, I have no reason to second-guess the grand jury’s assessment that there is enough evidence to put Donald Trump on trial. The question of guilt will be determined by a jury of Trump’s peers. The information presented contains troubling actions by Donald Trump that includes falsifying business records in the furtherance of other crimes. Still, the full picture will need to be painted by the prosecution in open court.
“While Trump is the first former president to be indicted, he is not the first high-profile criminal defendant to go on trial. Our country is strong and our criminal justice system is certainly up to the task. As in all cases, impartial judges and jurors will have to put aside their personal views, consider the facts, and uphold the law.
“Whether Trump is convicted or acquitted, adherence to the rule of law is paramount. And this case should have no bearing on other investigations.”