RIDOT Closing Route 102 North in Both Directions at the Mohegan Bridge in Burrillville

Beginning Friday, January 14, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is scheduled to close the Mohegan Bridge, which carries Route 102 (Bronco Highway) over the Branch River in Burrillville.
RIDOT began replacing this structurally deficient bridge in spring 2021, and detoured Route 102 northbound traffic. Closing the bridge entirely will allow construction to move ahead efficiently and safely with work on the northbound half of the bridge finishing in late spring/early summer 2022 before work begins on the southbound half of the bridge.
During the closure, RIDOT will sign a recommended detour for both northbound and southbound traffic using Douglas Turnpike (Route 7), Victory Highway and East Avenue. A detour map is available at www.ridot.net/detourmaps. Temporary traffic signals will be put in place along the detour route to assist motorists.
In addition to replacing the bridge, the $10.6 million contract includes resurfacing Route 102 at the bridge and its approaches, including its intersection with Route 7. New guardrail, signing, striping and drainage improvements will also be installed as part of the project. The bridge carries about 15,200 vehicles per day. The project will be done in spring 2023.
All construction projects are subject to changes in schedule and scope depending on needs, circumstances, findings, and weather.
The replacement of the Mohegan Bridge is made possible by RhodeWorks, RIDOT’s ongoing commitment to repair structurally deficient bridges and bring Rhode Island’s transportation infrastructure into a state of good repair, promote economic development, and create jobs. Learn more at www.ridot.net/RhodeWorks