Seekonk Public Schools Awarded Grant Funding to Benefit Biomedical Innovation Pathway

SEEKONK — Superintendent Rich Drolet is pleased to announce that Seekonk Public Schools have received grant funding from the One8 Foundation for Project Lead The Way to benefit the school’s Biomedical Innovation Pathway.
“I would like to acknowledge and thank Seekonk High School Principal, Dr. Bill Whalen, for writing this grant application and continuing to promote innovative programming that will benefit all students,” said Superintendent Drolet.
The $57,868.07 grant will be distributed over three years to help support Seekonk High School’s Biomedical Science programming through Project Lead the Way. Grant funds will be used to implement three courses in the school’s curriculum and also fund the purchase of equipment and durable supplies, as well as teacher training. The three newly implemented classes include Principles of Biomedical Science, Human Body Systems and Medical Interventions.
All three classes are available to any Seekonk High School students and no prerequisites are required. Classes must be taken in progression. Project Lead The Way is a nonprofit organization that develops science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school students.
The school’s current Biomedical Pathway will be modified to include the new courses, which will replace the programs’ existing Biotechnology and Human Anatomy courses.
“On behalf of the entire district, I would like to sincerely thank the One8 Foundation for this generous grant,” said Superintendent Drolet. “This funding will allow us to expand our curriculum and offer students new opportunities for a successful future.”
This is the second round of funding Seekonk High School has received from the One8 Foundation. In 2020, Seekonk High School was awarded funding from the One8 Foundation for Project Lead The Way to benefit the school’s engineering program. Grant funds were used to implement three courses in the school’s curriculum including Engineering, Principles of Engineering, and AP Computer Science Principles. The grant also funded equipment, durable supplies and teacher training.
“I would like to thank Science Department Head, Dave Bonneau, and Associate Principal, Erica Thomas for their collaboration and continued efforts to offer these courses to students as part of the master schedule at Seekonk High School,” said Superintendent Drolet.
About Project Lead The Way
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on providing students PreK-12 across the United States with courses in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science. The main focus of PLTW is to provide an engaging classroom where students can develop and apply transportable skills by exploring real-world challenges. To learn more about Project Lead The Way, visit