State, city and school leaders moving forward together in East Providence

The city had the opportunity to meet with Gov. Dan McKee, Deputy COS Joseph Almond and other East Providence team members including Superintendent Dr. Sandra Forand, School Committee Chair Jenni Furtado, Council President Bob Rodericks and Police Chief Chris Francesconi to discuss the Washington Bridge closure impact on our city.
The city has been in constant contact with Gov. McKee and RIDOT Dir. Peter Alviti since the bridge closure to provide details of the closure’s impact at the local level.
Washington Bridge Updates
Warren Ave westbound from Slocum Street/I-195 East off-ramp will be converted to two lanes going west towards Broadway. One lane will be right turn only towards the 195 west on-ramp. The other lane will be for left turn or through traffic only. The RIDOT will be relining the road.
A traffic control officer (Police/Civilian) is stationed at the intersection of Broadway and Warren Ave controlling the traffic flow and preventing motorists from blocking the box.
Do Not Block the box signage and road markings placed at the Broadway and Grosvenor intersection.
A traffic control officer (Police/Civilian) is stationed at the intersection of Broadway and Grosvenor controlling the traffic flow and preventing motorists from blocking the box.
Hull Street at Grosvenor will be closed to through traffic and only local/residents will be allowed to enter Hull Street southbound. This will help prevent motorists from using Baker and Agnes Streets as a shortcut and bypass to Broadway which contributes to additional gridlock.