Statement from Council President John Igliozzi on Proposal to Limit College Student Occupancy in Homes and Apartments

Providence, RI – “I believe it is an appropriate decision for the sponsor of this ordinance, Councilwoman Helen Anthony (Ward 2) , to keep an open dialogue and better understand the potential detrimental impact on the city’s rental market. In its present form, the proposed ordinance targets financially strapped college students across the city and tries to solve a minor problem with an overreaching response. It’s like settling a verbal argument with a nuclear bomb.
Some nuisance homes near college campuses are a problem, but the ordinance would be applied across the city to thousands of homes and apartments with no issues. Providence has current enforcement laws and capabilities; let us utilize existing mechanisms and strengthen them where we can. If there is a shortage of police and staff in our inspections departments, we should address that need immediately.”