Statements from Council Leadership on the Selection of the City’s New Police Chief

Providence, RI – “Congratulations to Chief Perez on this historic day for the city of Providence,” said Council President Rachel Miller (Ward 13). “With nearly three decades of experience, I am confident that Chief Perez will lead the men and women of the Providence Police Department ethically and with integrity. Thanks to Majors Lanni and Lapatin for being part of the process and sharing their perspectives at Mayor Smiley’s forum. The city is fortunate to have such a dedicated and talented command staff at the ready.”
“This is an exciting day for the city of Providence, people of color, and especially for the Latino community,” said Council Pro Tempore Juan M. Pichardo (Ward 9). “For the first time in the history of the city, our 38th police chief has come from the neighborhoods and among the ranks, qualified and ready to serve. Best of all, he speaks and understands my constituent’s language on the south side and the growing Latino population across Providence. I have no doubt that Chief Perez will continue to bring transparency and accountability to the department. We all should stand with the new chief because it is never easy being the first.”