The Washington Bridge needs to be rebuilt and it will take two years

Gov. Dan McKee and R.I. Department of Transportation Director Peter Alviti revealed the decision at today’s afternoon news conference, where they shared findings from multiple engineering firms that have been studying the bridge since its abrupt closure Dec. 11
“Today is about a plan of action for the Washington Bridge, and a commitment to ensure accountability will come,” McKee said. He added, “The day of accountability is coming. And it’s coming soon.” He also indicated lawyers are examining the issue.
Demolition of the existing bridge is expected to start this summer and continue through next March, but traffic isn’t expected to be flowing over the new bridge until sometime between March and September of 2026, according to a summary memorandum by McNary Bergeron & Johannesen, a consulting firm hired by the administration, and state officials.
It will take two years or more to rebuild the bridge, state officials said, and the cost is currently estimated to be between $250 and $300 million. Peter Alviti, the director of transportation, acknowledged that the cost estimate could change. Both federal and state funds are being sought to pay for the massive project.