What is Ken Hopkins hiding now?!?

 What is Ken Hopkins hiding now?!?
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At last night’s Cranston Herald debate, Ken Hopkins stated that he was drawing up plans to move the police department’s firing range to a different part of the city – but refused to state where it was going.  “I don’t try to raise expectations and then have them fail,” said Hopkins.
Offering that a big business would give the city the property – Ken Hopkins then would not offer how much the city would have to pay for the property, or if there were any side deals attached to such a plan.
State Representative Barbara Ann Fenton Fung wants to know, “Why won’t Ken come clean with Cranstonians about where he will relocate the gun range to, since he obviously has a site identified?  Is it going up to go next to Alpine Estates or near Garden City?  Is the reason he won’t identify the business or land because it’s yet another insider deal?  Is the business a client of his campaign manager’s?  So many questions, and Hopkins is stonewalling voters.  We know Hopkins has consistently made grandiose promises and fails to deliver.  What is Ken Hopkins hiding?”

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