Central Falls launches 2023 Charter Review Council

 Central Falls launches 2023 Charter Review Council
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CENTRAL FALLS, RI – Following Mayor Rivera’s outlined plan in her FY2024 Budget Address to launch a Charter Review process this year, the City of Central Falls is officially launching its new 2023 Charter Review Council.


“It’s been more than a decade since the City of Central Falls thoroughly reviewed our governance structure to ensure it supports our 21st century needs,” said Mayor Rivera. “It’s critical for our voters and all residents to understand and have a voice in the governance of their community. This important public process is necessary to keep Central Falls moving forward.”


Central Falls last convened a Charter Review Commission in 2012 and voters last considered changes to the Home Rule Charter in 2018. Through the new 2023 Charter Review Council, proposed amendments to the city’s current Charter will be recommended to the City Council for placement on the ballot in the upcoming November 7, 2023 special general election.


The new Charter Review Council was constituted following a signed Executive Order on July 20, 2023. The Council is composed of five members: Miguel Garcia (Chair), Barbara Silvis (Vice-Chair), Hugo Figueroa, Freeman Freeman, and Patricia Martinez. The Charter Review Council is seeking public input as they review, discuss, and recommend amendments to the Charter. Residents are encouraged to submit their feedback and ideas here.


The Council’s first meeting is being held on Monday, July 24, 2023 at 4:00pm at Central Falls City Hall (Council Chambers), and will host meetings through July and August, all open to the public.


For more information, visit centralfallsri.gov/charterreview.

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