City of Pawtucket’s Statement on the Resignation of Police Officer Daniel Dolan

Daniel Dolan has irrevocably resigned from the Pawtucket Police Department effective November 30, 2023, ahead of the conclusion of protracted LEOBOR proceedings.
The trial of the LEOBOR disciplinary case against Daniel Dolan, Jr. began on August 8th, with additional hearing dates scheduled through December 8th. The City’s outside labor attorney, Vincent Ragosta, Pawtucket Police Chief Tina Goncalves, and her internal affairs detectives prepared a compelling case for Dolan’s termination. With the LEOBOR trial set to resume shortly, Dolan opted to voluntarily submit his irrevocable resignation of employment, thus avoiding further costly and inherently uncertain LEOBOR litigation, and purging Dolan from the otherwise proud ranks of the Pawtucket Police Department with finality.
Rarely are LEOBOR case results predictable. Notwithstanding the strength of the City’s evidence and advocacy for Dolan’s termination, a negotiated resignation is far more prudent than the inherent uncertainty and very substantial expense to the taxpayers of a contested LEOBOR termination case.