Design Week RI Starts on September 18, 2023

The 10th annual DESIGN WEEK RI presents 5+ days celebrating design. Starting September 18th, and running through September 23rd. Celebrate the 10th Annual DESIGN WEEK RI with over 30 events statewide.
DESIGN WEEK RI is a program instituted by DESIGNxRI, in partnership with hosts, sponsors, and partners all across Rhode Island. The packed schedule includes talks, tours, workshops, exhibitions and parties aiming to highlight the breadth of the design talent in the state. This annual celebration unites designers from diverse industries and agencies, showcasing Rhode Island’s robust and varied design industry. It brings together students, young professionals, and the broader public to highlight the profound impact of design in the state.
We have partnered with hosts who specialize in design strategy, brand identity, product design, user experience, landscape architecture, furniture design and more. The full calendar is posted on DESIGNxRI’s website: Some highlights from this year’s DWRI include:
Monday, September 18 – DESIGN WEEK RI Kickoff Party at Moniker Brewery
and the debut of our signature Design Week 2023 Beer with labels designed by four local designers. Come by for drinks, dancing, and an interactive event with Ricky Rainbowbeard!
Tuesday, September 19 – The first full day of DESIGN WEEK RI opens with an afternoon of workshops at the Providence Public Library showcasing their maker space. Sign up for a workshop in 3D printing, sticker and button making, laser cutting and vinyl cutting t-shirt making.
Wednesday, September 20 – In recognition of DESIGNxRI’s 10th anniversary, DESIGNxRI is holding an Exhibition: A Decade of Design in Rhode Island. Come view work created by the vibrant design talent across Rhode Island spanning the past ten years! The opening is being held at Machines with Magnets in Pawtucket.
Thursday, September 21 – Attend open studios and open galleries across Providence and beyond. Learn about Utile, an architecture and urban planning design firm, walk through a furniture exhibition of some of the most cutting edge designs of RISD’s Furniture MFA, visit K-Zao’s tailoring studio, and view the current exhibit at the Center for Complexity that is exploring complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness.
Friday, September 22 – Join Newport Art Museum staff on a tour of the current exhibition “Dress Code”, which examines how clothing and personal style can function as an unspoken language, consciously or unconsciously shaping how we are seen. The artists and designers featured in this exhibition break the “norms” of dress to present their bodies and selves on their own terms.
Saturday, September 23 – DESIGNxRI Birthday Bash and Fundraiser! This birthday bash is the closing party of the 10th Annual DESIGN WEEK RI it’s going to be a blast. Your ticket gives you entrance to a final night of fun with food and drink, tarot card readings by Professor Astro VonPsyche, dancing, an amazing silent auction line up and one last view of A Decade of Design in Rhode Island, the 10th Anniversary Exhibition at Machines with Magnets!