Governor McKee, Always Learning Rhode Island to Host Learn365RI WaterFire

 Governor McKee, Always Learning Rhode Island to Host Learn365RI WaterFire
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Partial lighting hosted in partnership with the National Governors Association and Rhode Island Department of Education

PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor McKee and Always Learning Rhode Island, in partnership with the National Governors Association and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE), will host a partial WaterFire basin lighting in celebration of Learn365RI.
Learn365RI is Governor McKee’s statewide initiative to improve student educational outcomes across Rhode Island by focusing on increasing three key metrics: reading and math skills; school attendance rates; and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completion rates.
“Learn365RI is about bringing communities together as one team with one common goal – improving educational outcomes across our state,” said Governor Dan McKee. “I thank everyone who has stepped up to join this team: Always Learning Rhode Island, the National Governors Association, RIDE, our municipal leaders, the business community and families, students and educators across our state. I invite all Rhode Islanders to kick off the WaterFire season with us on Saturday.”
Special programming will begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by the lighting at 7:55 p.m. The braziers will remain lit until 10:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. – An educational resource fair will be held in the basin with representatives from Learn365RI, Always Learning RI, Litter-Free Rhode Island, Boys and Girls Clubs of Rhode Island, Rhode Island YMCA’s, Rhode Island Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner/RI Reconnect, University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, Community College of Rhode Island, RI Afterschool Network, Providence Promise, Onward We Learn, Camp RYSE, Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth, and Families, and the Rhode Island Department of Health. Incredabowl, Matilda Empanadas and Pam’s Grille on the Go food trucks will be located on Finance Way for visitors to enjoy.
7:00 p.m. – Special programming will take place on the Basin Stage, including performances from a Hope High School instrumentalist, the Smithfield High School Chorus, and the Achievement First Cheer Team. Following the performances there will be a speaking program featuring remarks from Governor Dan McKee and Commissioner of Education Angélica Infante-Green.
7:55 p.m. – The lighting will include a procession into the basin, with torches held by students from across Rhode Island.
To date, 38 out of 39 cities and towns have joined the Learn365RI initiative and made a commitment to increase learning opportunities for students in their community. Since Learn365RI launched in April 2023, the McKee Administration has announced nearly $8 million in Learn365RI grants to help communities expand and enhance out-of-school learning opportunities.
As part of Learn365RI, Governor McKee has also launched an $81 million community learning center program to help cities and towns create state-of-the-art spaces that offer programming to improve education outcomes and student performance, provide workforce training for better and higher-paying jobs, and help residents enhance their physical and mental health. To date, 12 community centers have been awarded funds through this program with additional awards on the way.

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