Honoring our Law Enforcement Partners During National Police Week

PROVIDENCE, RI –This week we say thank you to our law enforcement partners for keeping us safe, and for working together with our Go Team to make our communities safer, cooperative, and more equitable for all.
Events in the last year have highlighted the need for increased cooperation between law enforcement agencies, clinicians, and social services as the nation increasingly calls for a reimagined model of law enforcement. But that model is already in place in Rhode Island and has been benefitting victims of crime since 2004. Through our Go Team partnerships in Providence, East Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls, and Rhode Island State Police, we’re able to connect with crime victims immediately and assist law enforcement in providing better outcomes in emergency situations.
In honor of our law enforcement partners, we’ve created a three-part series on the history of the Go Team– from its inception and evolution to a current Go Team member’s perspective on the program’s positive impact.
- Part 1: Col. Dean Esserman The Origins of the Go Team Partnership
- Part 2: Susan Erstling: How The Go Team Has Evolved
- Part 3: Jessica Zira: Helping Victims When They Need It Most