House Judiciary confirms appointments to RI Supreme Court; nominations head to full House for confirmation on Wednesday

STATE HOUSE – The House Judiciary Committee tonight approved the nominations of Superior Court Judge Melissa Long and former Sen. Erin Lynch Prata to the Rhode Island Supreme Court. The appointments now to go the full House of Representatives for consideration.
The vote to confirm Judge Long was unanimous and the vote to confirm former Senator Lynch Prata was 13-2.
“This was a historic day for the state and the first step in the approval process toward a newly diversified Supreme Court bench. The governor chose two excellent and qualified candidates to our highest bench and I believe if confirmed, they will both be outstanding presences on the Supreme Court. I congratulate both of these impressive nominees and I will whole heartedly recommend that the entire House of Representatives vote to confirm the nominees on Wednesday during the House session,” said Rep. Robert E. Craven, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (D-Dist. 32, North Kingstown).
Governor Raimondo recently selected Superior Court Judge Melissa Long to replace retiring Associate Justice Francis X. Flaherty and former Senator Lynch Prata to replace retiring Associate Justice Gilbert V. Indeglia on the Rhode Island Supreme Court.
Normally, the Rhode Island Senate confirms judiciary appointments, but nominations to the Supreme Court require the advice and consent of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The full House of Representatives will consider the appointments on Wednesday at 2 p.m. during their session to be held at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium due to COVID-19 safety protocols.