Out-of-State Money Flows to the Out-of-State Candidate

Pawtucket, RI, — Stefan Pryor is using an out-of-state PAC to attack James Diossa and the hard work that so many Rhode Islanders put into making Central Falls a comeback story. Now, he is boasting about how much money he has raised in his efforts to buy this election with paid media. But where does his money come from?
In his first quarterly filing, Mr. Pryor reported donations from 256 individuals. Astonishingly, of those 256 individuals, 180 have out-of-state addresses. This amounts to over 70% of individual donations coming in from outside Rhode Island.
As if this were not enough, the unceasing torrent of outside donations has continued. Of the 232 individuals who donated to Mr. Pryor’s campaign since July 1, 2022, over 76% of individual donations came from individuals residing out-of-state. Campaign Manager Rob Craven issued the following statement:
Rhode Island voters deserve to know who is behind Mr. Pryor’s candidacy. Its out-of-state donors backing an out-of-state candidate. And now, a Connecticut-based PAC is sponsoring a pro-Pryor attack ad that is riddled with false and misleading claims about James’ ethics and accomplishments in Central Falls. Unfortunately, it seems a disregard for the facts and disinterest in Rhode Island is par for the Pryor course.
James Diossa is from Rhode Island and for Rhode Island. And unlike his opponent, James has broad-based support from Rhode Islanders. Indeed, 93% of individual donors who contributed to James’ campaign last quarter were from Rhode Island. During the latest filing period, only four of James’ donors are from out-of-state. The difference is clear. This September, Rhode Islanders should cast their vote for the candidate that is from – and for – Rhode Island. The candidate’s donations and personal stories alike show that candidate is James Diossa.
James Diossa is the Rhode Island Democratic Party’s endorsed candidate for General Treasurer. You can read a full list of his other endorsements at https://diossaforri.com/endorsements/.