Providence Public Schools Offer First-Ever Additional Test Date, Transportation, and Multilingual Supports for Classical High School Entrance Exam

PROVIDENCE, RI – For the first time, The Providence Public School District (PPSD) is offering a Classical High School entrance exam day field trip for Providence students who were unable to take the test in October. Also for the first time, the District is offering multilingual learners additional time to complete the exam, and is providing bilingual glossaries to multilingual learners.
These new initiatives are part of the Providence Public School District’s mission to make the Classical High School entrance exam as accessible as possible for all students.
“Every 8th grade student in Providence should have the opportunity to take the Classical High School entrance exam,” said Providence Schools Superintendent Dr. Javier Montañez. “It should be easily accessible to everyone who wishes to take it, which is why I’m glad this initiative is getting underway this year.”
The additional exam will be administered on Thursday, November 10, at the Providence Career and Technical Academy (PCTA), during the school day from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for students who qualify for extended time. Parents or guardians of multilingual learners and students with IEP/504 Plans who are eligible for extended time will need to select whether they wish for their student to receive the extended time on the permission form for the exam.
The District is arranging for transportation for all 8th grade students taking the exam from their Providence middle school to PCTA. Students who are not receiving extended time for the exam will be bused back to their middle school before the end of the school day. Those who are opting in for extended time to take the exam will have additional post-exam transportation options to choose from. Bagged lunches, snacks, and water will be provided for the students taking the exam.
A chaperone from each school will be designated to accompany the 8th graders to PCTA and help with proctoring the exam. Those filling out the field trip permission form for extended time for their students are encouraged to complete the form as quickly as possible in order to receive proper accommodations and transportation services.