Reed Denounces Intelligence Leaks & Calls for Strengthened Security Protocols

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after the FBI apprehended an individual suspected of leaking classified intelligence, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement:
“This was a major security breach that cannot be allowed to happen again. Leaking this trove of classified information endangered our military and intelligence professionals and undermined the security of our allies and partners.
“Anyone with a security clearance who betrays their country by purposefully mishandling classified documents or disclosing classified materials must be held accountable.
“More answers are still needed. There are systemic issues that need to be addressed, including protocols for how intelligence is handled, the security clearance process, and how officials can prevent intelligence leaks like this from ever happening again. Congress will be briefed further and corrective steps will be taken.
“I commend the investigators who worked around the clock to help get to the bottom of this case, which involved a deliberate criminal act, and will continue to be investigated and prosecuted as such.”