The Fair Share For Dental Care Act would make dental insurance more accessible, more transparent, and provide more value to consumers

Warwick, RI – Dentists from across Rhode Island and members of the Rhode Island Dental Association joined House and Senate legislators to unveil landscape-changing legislation that will bring popular, patient-centered dental insurance reforms to Rhode Island.
Today’s press conference took place at the Rhode Island State House Library and the speakers were, Aaron Guckian, Executive Director, Rhode Island Dental Association, Representative McNamara, Senator Hanna Gallo, Dr. Fred Hartman, RIDA President, Dr. Fotini Dionisopoulos, Dr. Greg Stepka, Former RIDA President, and Dr. Andrew “Andy” Gazerro.
The Fair Share for Dental Care Act is a consumer protection bill that seeks to protect patients by increasing transparency and accountability for dental insurers while ensuring more patient premiums go to patient care.
Legislation responds to patient calls for more access, more transparency, and more value in dental care. This patient-centered legislation, a consumer protection bill, has garnered wide-spread public support. As much as forty percent (40%) of dental patient premiums go toward executive compensation, bonuses, corporate profits, and administrative expenses. Meanwhile, more than 1 in 2 Americans report delaying care or avoiding it altogether because of the costs. This legislation will mean more Rhode Island working families will be empowered to seek the dental care they deserve and pay for.