Town of Seekonk to Unveil Newly Renovated Connelly Field and Mooney Track

An aerial view of the newly renovated Seekonk Connelly Field and Mooney Track. (Photo courtesy Seekonk Public Schools)
SEEKONK — Superintendent Rich Drolet and Connelly Field Turf & Mooney Track Renovation Building Committee Chairperson Stephen Prew are pleased to announce the unveiling of Seekonk’s newly renovated Connelly Field and Mooney Track.
The newly renovated Connelly Field and Mooney Track boasts a new synthetic turf field, which replaces the previous field that was over 20 years old and in poor condition, and a 400m running track painted in the district’s color.
The new turf field completed by Huntress Associates features state-of-the-art, modern materials with upgraded performance technology, including a shock pad underneath that helps to prevent head injuries and other sports-related impact injuries. The turf also includes an organic infill that is sustainably harvested in the USA and reduces the heat on the synthetic turf field by up to 33 degrees.
The track includes eight lanes on the home straightaway and a second six-lane
straightaway on the visitor’s side.
Also new is a press box and sound system that will allow for better acoustics and less impact on neighbors and a storage building sized to better accommodate all track and field equipment.
Renovations were also made to improve the draining system, walkways, fences and gates to ensure the facility is ADA compliant.
“We are delighted to unveil the newly renovated Seekonk Connelly Field and Mooney Track the first day our students return to school this year,” said Superintendent Drolet. “Thanks to the tireless work from the Connelly Field Turf and Mooney Track Building Committee and Huntress Associates, current Seekonk students, Seekonk residents, and students for years to come will have access to an incredible sports complex.”
In November 2019, the Town of Seekonk approved proposed renovations to be made to the existing athletic complex located at Seekonk High School. The Connelly Field Turf and Mooney Track Renovation Building Committee was then formed that same year to research and review the most appropriate athletic field and complex designs for Seekonk’s current and future students and the community as a whole.
Throughout the process, the committee oversaw the cost of design services, plans, specifications and estimates for the proposed addition of a turf athletic field and renovations to the athletic complex located at Seekonk High School’s Connelly Field and Mooney Track.
“On behalf of the committee, we are very excited to see the project come to a conclusion and we are grateful to the community for their support. We now have a first-class track and field that our students and community can be proud of for years to come,” said Chairperson Prew.
The Town of Seekonk, the Seekonk Public Schools and the Connelly Field Turf & Mooney Track Renovation Building Committee will officially unveil the Connelly Field and Mooney Track at a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 1 at 6 p.m. at 261 Arcade Ave.