Ward 6 Committee Endorses Dan Wall to Restore Integrity to Vacated Council Seat

CRANSTON – The Democratic Ward 6 Committee recently met and unanimously endorsed Dan Wall for the special election to replace disgraced Republican Councilman Reilly. Dan Wall honorably served our ward on the School Committee for the last eight years. His leadership, dedication to the job, responsiveness to residents, and ability to work with people from both parties has been repeatedly praised by many.
“Dan Wall is the right person to restore integrity to our Council seat,” said Dylan Zelazo, Ward 6 Committee Member. “I’ve worked directly with Dan, and have seen that he really cares about our neighbors and their quality of life. He’s not someone who will ignore the needs of residents in favor of special interests. Dan says what he means and does what he says he’ll do.”
“I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Ward 6 Committee,” said Dan Wall. “Matt Reilly embarrassed and disgraced our entire city with his reprehensible behavior. I pledge to restore integrity to this Council seat, and always be a responsive representative of our Ward 6 neighborhoods.”
“The committee heard a lot of great things from Dan,” continued Zelazo. “We all need to rally behind someone who will lead with integrity, support strong public safety services, fight to protect the quality of life in our neighborhoods from irresponsible and increasingly unchecked development, and will do everything in his power to keep taxes down for all. With his extensive experience, Dan is ready to lead on day one and will not need on the job training like the other candidate in this race.”
The special election to fill the vacant Ward 6 seat will be held on Tuesday, October 3rd. Voters with questions can reach out to Dan at 401-935-8935 or Danwall67@gmail.com.