The Rhode Island State Police report a busy weekend during the July 4th Holiday, Troopers made twenty-five (25) arrests for Driving Under the Influence, twenty-eight (28) arrests for other criminal offenses, issued six hundred and eleven (611) summonses for various traffic offenses and investigated fifty-nine (59) motor vehicle crashes.Read More
Rhode Island nonprofit agencies invited to apply for grant support for initiatives that support access to healthy and affordable housing PROVIDENCE, R.I. (July 1, 2022) – Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) is now accepting applications for 2023 BlueAngel Community Health Grants. The program will fund initiatives supporting access to healthy and affordable housing. Especially […]Read More
WARREN, RI — In an effort to boost economic recovery, address inflation, and support local small businesses, U.S. Senator Jack Reed, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, is bringing the head of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to Rhode Island tomorrow to meet with local small business owners. SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman is […]Read More
Providence, R.I., July 5, 2022 — Rhode Island’s average gas price is down 8 cents from last week ($4.89), averaging $4.81 per gallon. Today’s price is 12 cents lower than a month ago ($4.93), and $1.80 higher than July 5, 2021 ($3.01). Rhode Island’s average gas price is 1 cent higher than the national average. The national average for a […]Read More
NORTH PROVIDENCE, RI – Congressman David N. Cicilline is hosting his annual Senior Resource Fair on Monday, July 11, 2022 from 5-7pm at North Providence High School. The event is free and open to the public and is an opportunity for Rhode Islanders to learn about important resources available to seniors, caregivers, and individuals with disabilities. Attendees will […]Read More
Closed to celebrate Independence Day Rhode Island – Post Offices across the state will be closed on Monday, July 4, as we celebrate the anniversary of our nation’s independence. Street delivery on Monday will be limited to guaranteed overnight parcels and there will be no collection of mail. Full retail and delivery operations will resume on Tuesday, July 6. The Postal […]Read More
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) recommends reopening Ginny B’s Campground Beach in Foster for swimming because bacteria counts have returned to safe levels. RIDOH officials will continue to monitor and review beach water quality through Labor Day. The status of a beach may change as new data become available. The most up-to-date beach […]Read More
PAWTUCKET, RI (July 2, 2022) – The American Red Cross is helping one family – two adults after a fire yesterday on Archer Street, Pawtucket. The Red Cross provided assistance to meet the family’s immediate needs. Responders included: Tim Rodgers, Tom Perrin, and Brian Butterworth. The Red Cross also provided a recovery envelope containing information helpful to families recovering from a fire, including tips on […]Read More
Rhode Island Police Chiefs’ Association Highlights Collection of Basic School
RIPCA President and Narragansett Police Chief Sean Corrigan speaks during an event at Lincoln High School Thursday highlighting the association’s new Basic School Safety Protocols document. (Photo courtesy Rhode Island Police Chiefs’ Association) LINCOLN — Members of the Rhode Island Police Chiefs’ Association were joined by school safety stakeholders statewide Thursday to introduce the association’s new Basic […]Read More
The past fundraising quarter has been an exceptionally strong one for Nirva’s campaign for Mayor. Being a single, working mom and a political outsider, raising the amount of money that full-time politicians and well-connected insiders are able to has always been out of the question. Nirva has always said that this campaign would have to […]Read More