LPR News

Health LPR News

FEMA Approves Nearly $48 Million for Rhode Island COVID-19 Medical

REGION I – Rhode Island will receive $47,949,475 from FEMA for materials in support of medical personnel, facilities and testing sites costs as a result of the major disaster declaration for Rhode Island’s COVID-19 Pandemic.   This grant is funded through FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant program which reimburses communities for actions taken in the immediate response and […]Read More

LPR News

Reed: New $9.5B Navy Submarine Contract to Boost RI Workforce

U.S. Navy signs $9.474 billion contract with Electric Boat parent company General Dynamics to start building the lead boat of the Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine, USS Columbia, as well as advanced procurement money for a second boat, the future USS Wisconsin At 560 feet long with a submerged displacement of nearly 21,000 tons, the submarines of the […]Read More

LPR News

Rhode Island State Police Arrest Two Individuals For Illegally Accessing

On Thursday, November 5, 2020, members of the Major Crimes Unit arrested James A. Miller, age 61, of 94 Clyde Street, East Providence, Rhode Island and Louis Gelfuso, age 51, of 23 Floyd Street, East Providence, Rhode Island for:         1.   Access to a Computer for Fraudulent Purpose.        2.   Soliciting Another to Commit a Crime.        3.   Conspiracy.  The investigation […]Read More

LPR News

Reed Announces $21.8 Million for RI Winter Heating Assistance

PROVIDENCE, RI – U.S. Senator Jack Reed today announced that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is releasing $21.8 million through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to help Rhode Island families and seniors keep warm this winter.  In October, Senator Reed, along with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and 40 of their […]Read More

LPR News Politics

Inteligencia afirma que repelió injerencia electoral, advierte contra desinformación

Funcionarios de seguridad dijeron que Cuba y Venezuela también están involucrados en campañas de desinformación sobre las elecciones en EE.UU. Por Jeff Seldin Las autoridades de seguridad e inteligencia de Estados Unidos proclamaron una victoria parcial en las elecciones presidenciales del martes, asegurando a los votantes que rechazaron agresivamente asaltos a la infraestructura electoral y operaciones […]Read More

LPR News Politics

¿Quién controlará el Senado federal?

Hasta el día de la elección, los republicanos mantenían una mayoría de 53-47 en el Senado. Por Katherine Gypson El control del Senado federal de Estados Unidos permanecía incierto este miércoles, con una serie de contiendas en estados como Carolina del Norte, Maine y Georgia, muy cerradas para declarar un ganador. En Colorado, los demócratas conquistaron […]Read More