LPR News

LPR News News Politics

RI Painters Union Endorses Brett Smiley for Mayor of Providence

Providence, RI- Today, the Rhode Island Painters Union (RI IUPAT District Council 11), who represent local industrial, residential and commercial painters, drywall finishers, glaziers, and glass workers announced their endorsement of Brett Smiley for Mayor of Providence.   “Brett will be ready to lead Providence on day one,” said Scott Duhamel, International Union Representative. “He […]Read More

Community Health LPR News News

RIDOH and DEM Recommend Avoiding Contact with Cunliff Lake; Lifting

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) are advising people to avoid contact with Cunliff Lake (Roger Williams Park) in Providence due to a blue-green algae (or cyanobacteria) bloom. Blue-green algae can produce toxins that can harm humans and animals. Recent consecutive surveys and sample analyses […]Read More

Art & Life Community LPR News News

Governor McKee Signs Legislation to Protect and Restore Water Levels

COVENTRY, RI – Today, Governor Dan McKee was joined by Lt. Governor Sabina Matos, bill sponsors Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis and Representative Thomas E. Noret, members of the Johnson’s Pond Civic Association, and state and local officials to sign legislation that grants the Department of Environmental Management (DEM) the authority to restore water levels in Johnson’s Pond […]Read More

LPR News News Politics

Rhode Island Democratic Leaders Endorse Stefan Pryor for General Treasurer

Providence, RI: Today, Democrat candidate for Treasurer, Stefan Pryor, receives the endorsement from 22 Democratic Leaders across Rhode Island.   “Stefan is the public servant Rhode Island needs to responsibly manage our finances, protect our retirees, and strengthen our economy. He has the experience managing billions of public dollars under tough and trying conditions, and […]Read More

LPR News News

Woonsocket Businessman Sentenced for Defrauding the IRS

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – A Woonsocket businessman described in court documents as a “vital cog” in a tax fraud conspiracy that defrauded the United States of millions of dollars was sentenced today to three years probation, the first fifty-two weekends to be served in detention at the Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility, announced United States Attorney […]Read More

Community LPR News News Politics

Charter Review Commission Recommends a Hybrid Elected/Appointed School Board to

Providence, RI – After more than six months of weekly meetings with city department heads and public input, the Charter Review Commission, chaired by City Council President John Igliozzi, made recommendations to the City Council on charter changes, including a hybrid elected and appointed school board. The city’s charter review process occurs every 10 years, per […]Read More

Community LPR News News

Foster Forward Named Champion in Action for Innovation & Transformation

Citizens and NBC 10 provide $35,000 in funding, communications and volunteer support Rhode Island (July 11, 2022) – Foster Forward, a nonprofit organization that empowers lives impacted by foster care, has been named a 2022 Champion in Action® in the category of Innovation & Transformation. The award includes $35,000 in unrestricted funding, as well as significant promotional and […]Read More

Community Education LPR News News

Kids, Cops & Classrooms Launches 2022 School Supply Drive

Rhode Island state, local, and federal law enforcement agencies are working together to collect donations of new backpacks and school supplies for Rhode Island school children through the Kids, Cops and Classrooms program. The Rhode Island State Police, the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association, the Rhode Island Department of Attorney General and the U.S. Attorney’s […]Read More