By VOA News A study conducted by Britain’s Oxford University suggests COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of developing a psychiatric disorder within three months of catching the virus. The study, published Monday in the Lancet Psychiatry Journal, indicates one in five surviving COVID-19 patients was found to be diagnosed with a mental disorder within 90 […]Read More
El demócrata habló el martes con los mandatarios de Francia, Reino Unido, Alemania e Irlanda. Por Alejandra Arredondo El demócrata Joe Biden, quien se proyecta como presidente electo de Estados Unidos tras los comicios del pasado 3 de noviembre, recibió el martes llamadas de los mandatarios de varios países europeos, quienes lo felicitaron por el resultado electoral. Los líderes […]Read More
Por Steve Baragona Los expertos prevén un drástico cambio de estrategia en la lucha contra el coronavirus con la proyección del demócrata Joe Biden como presidente electo de Estados Unidos. “Es probable que esté bien organizada, que tenga una clara comunicación y que esté basada en la ciencia. Son tres cambios muy importantes y refrescantes”, dijo […]Read More
By VOA News The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in a Republican effort to strike down the Affordable Care Act health care law. The hearing comes weeks after Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the court, giving conservatives a 6-3 majority. At the center of the case is a requirement in the 2010 law for […]Read More
Division unveils webpage, online application form, and FAQs as part of relief program PROVIDENCE — The Rhode Island Division of Taxation today unveiled a new webpage, onlineapplication form, and FAQs as part of a relief program announced by Governor Gina M. Raimondo forrestaurants and bars that have been ordered to close earlier than usual because […]Read More
El presidente electo asistió a misa en su iglesia de Wilmington, Delaware, como cada domingo y visitó la tumba de su hijo Beau. El presidente Donald Trump, visitó su club de golf en Virginia. Ninguno de los dos tiene eventos previstos este día. Por Voz de América El demócrata Joe Biden, ganador proyectado de las largas […]Read More
By Associated Press LOS ANGELES – “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek died Sunday after battling pancreatic cancer for nearly two years. He was 80. Trebek died at home early Sunday with family and friends surrounding him, “Jeopardy!” studio Sony said in a statement. Trebek presided over the beloved quiz show for more than 30 years. He […]Read More
WESTPORT — Interim Superintendent Thomas F. Aubin is pleased to announce the launch of a brand new website for the Westport Community Schools, giving the community an updated and modern space to access district news, events and other resources. The new website,, features a user-friendly and ADA-compliant layout that is easy to navigate on both desktop computers and […]Read More
Melissa Cummings, BCBSRI executive vice president and chief customer officer The world has definitely changed in the last year, but one thing that hasn’t changed is Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island’s commitment to the health and well-being of our community. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to protect the health of […]Read More
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is advising consumers to not eat Tanimura and Antle brand romaine lettuce packed as single heads due to food safety concerns. A routine sample of the lettuce collected in Michigan was confirmed positive for E. coli 0157:H7. Further analysis conducted by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services determined […]Read More